2019 Loony Pedalers

April 2019 update from the Loony Pedalers bike group:

Snow berms shrinking along roads & driveways, sections of bike trail clear & dry. Lake ice cracking & popping like gunshots mixed with distant thunder, swan butts in the open shallows mooning observers on the shores. Do you feel the threat of spring all around?

It’s time to dust off your bike, fill the tires, check the chain & shake the spiders out of your helmet, or maybe your garage is cleaner than ours!

Below is the list of rides we intend to take on Tuesdays this season. Plan on later starts for the cooler spring & fall days & earlier rides in the heat of summer. We hope to get started no later than early May, depending on how the season progresses.

Loony Pedalers 2019 Bike Rides (PDF)

For more schedule information, follow the Iron County Silent Sports Meetup, where the weekly rides will be posted. If you are interested in joining the group, have suggestions for other routes, or want more information on the Loony Pedalers in general, email loonypedalers@gmail.com.

Photo by MaxMustermann767, used under Creative Commons License.