Gogebic Range Health Foundation to host online fundraiser

The Gogebic Range Health Foundation will be hosting their annual Christmas In June Fundraiser on Facebook Live on June 28, 2020, from 3-6pm. The event will be filled with entertainment, live auctions, and live interviews with community members, and organizations. Our musical guest will be local singer songwriter Andy Mackey and we will be joined by other special guests during the event. 

The Gogebic Range Health Foundation has funded over 30 organizations and agencies for health and wellness programs throughout Iron County, Wisconsin, and Gogebic County, Michigan. Our ability to reach the corners of the Gogebic Range are made possible by our donors. With your help we can continue to change the health status of the Gogebic Range and create a healthy and fun place to live. 

The Gogebic Range Health Foundation focuses on promoting healthy living through grantmaking, creating a more active and healthy community through collaborations and being a positive influence on the health status of the region by taking a leadership role in community planning and development.

Our current funding priorities are focused on changing the built environment to provide opportunities and access for people to engage in healthy behaviors like walking and biking, responding to the COVID 19 pandemic and increasing availability for mental health services. These efforts have been supported by significant partnerships with Stormy Kromer, who is donating %10 of profits from their facemasks and from the Erickson Family donation to create the Jonathon A Erickson Fund for mental health services. Your donation to the Gogebic Range Health Foundation will allow us to continue to fulfill our mission. 

Tune in to the Gogebic Range Health Foundation Facebook page to join the live fundraiser.

Following our live Facebook fundraiser we will be launching a donor membership program. Details about the program and how to become a sustaining member of the Gogebic Range Health Foundation will be available in July. 

Contact Executive Director, Andrea Newby, at the office at 906-364-7525 or by email at andrea.newby@gogebicrangehf.org. Visit the GRHF website at www.gogebicrangehf.org.