Looney Hikers Wednesday February 28

This week we are going to start at 10am because of the forecast of snow.  We’ll see if it really comes to fruition.  I do suggest you bring snowshoes just in case.  I’m hoping that the snow stays more north as predicted, but you never know.  We will hike the Escanaba Trail just south of Boulder Junction.  It’s about a 4 mile hike.  There is a shorter loop in case we need to use snowshoes.

From Mercer, take 51 south to County N (about 23 miles) turn left. Go to County M, turn left.  Go about 3.5 miles to Nebish Lake Road, turn right.  The parking lot is 3.5 miles in on the left.

Please RSVP via email: katz8960@gmail.com

Thanks, Karen