More progress on the Hurley Non-Motorized Trail
ICORE Board members Mike Fauerbach and Bob Traczyk recently installed signage at the trailhead of the Hurley Non-Motorized Trail. The City of Hurley and ICORE Trail Committee members are also working together to establish a trail route from Cary Park to the trailhead, and route signs will be posted soon.
The committee will host a trail fundraiser on July 14 at Cary Park beginning at 12:00pm. Take a ride on the new route to the Iron Belle Trail; enjoy brats, hot dogs, beans, salads and cold drinks; try the UW-Extension blender bike or the Iron Belle Trail’s “Duet Bike”; and complete a scavenger hunt with the kids. Suggested donation is $10, or $5 for children 12 and under. Proceeds will support the development of the trailhead on Highway 51 and a permanent extension of the trail to Cary Park.
**Interested in helping with the fundraiser? The trails committee is looking for about two more volunteers who are available from 11am to 3pm that day. Want to help, or have other questions? Contact Mike at
Photo: Breanna & Ben Romanowski riding on the trail.